Monday, January 2, 2012

festival and you: making the connection

Congratulations! You have decided to go to Festival. We here at the Festy University will help you make the most of your music/camping experience. Everyone comes to festival for a different reason: the music, the camping, the vending, the drugs... but one thing that is common to all of us, we come to festival to CONNECT.
Connection is simple, painless, and easy at festival. Why? Because festival has made it so! Imagine how much easier connection would be without the stresses of our everyday lives. You have no reason to connect to the lady pushing her cart at the grocery store, or the jerk in the benz that just cut you off, or the unhelpful teller at the bank, or even the bored kid at the coffeeshop, or your boss. Now, let's take away all those labels, all those places and the stigmas that go with them. Let us, just for a second, imagine what it would be like if you could put yourself in a place where you have a good deal in common with your entire community. That you, and the people surrounding you were together for a common goal or purpose; a purpose that wasn't work or the supermarket. Let's say you were all together for the sole purpose of community, of connection. What could it be like with everyone's energy focused toward that end?
working out and jamming out, where's the downside?

Festival is that common place, a place where the energy you put forth in the world does not fall on bitter people, or dissipate in the air around you. Thousands of people are preparing themselves for this quest. Our mission is to create, for just a few days, a place for us to all be together and feel the joy of human connection; feel what it is to be part of a collective that is shining, happy, carefree; just plain free. It isn't always easy to let go of our anxieties, or the things that we say and do that protect us from the reality of the cruel world we survive in. But no great experience came from the easy road. 
Festival challenges us to be part of something bigger. I challenge you to find your niche in this growing community; we need you and your positive vibe to make festival even better. 
The more you know, the more you grow.
The more you grow, the less you need.
The less you need, the more for all of us.

Thank you for reading. Stay tuned for more.

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